
◆第145回 和歌山眼科学会

日時:平成24年12月16日(日)15:00~ 17:00
和歌山市友田町5丁目18 TEL 073-425-7711
講演会場 6階 アクアグラン
~ 製品紹介「日本アルコン株式会社より製品のご紹介」~

【一般講演】 15:00~ 16:00




和歌山県立医科大学 紀北分院 山中修

【特別講演】 16:00~ 17:00

演題 『Tips and Pearls of Cataract Surgery in the MICS area』

座長 : 和歌山県立医科大学 眼科学教室 教授 雑賀 司珠也 先生
講師 : Professor at The Catholic University of Korea
                          Choun‐ki Joo 先生

- Abstract-
Cataract surgery has evolved continuously for the MICS to be the main stream of that. A cataract surgery consists of procedures such as incision construction, capsulorrhexis, hydro dissection, hydrodelineation, phacoemulsification and IOL insertion. Each procedure of the surgery has its own importance for the safe and effective results. There are some extra procedures to achieve specific purposes like correcting astigmatism and stabilizing the zonule. While constructing incision, a surgeon must make sure that it is self-sealing to avoid infectious complications. The size, location and circularity of capsulorrhexis affect the visual quality and IOL location after the surgery. Hydrodissection and hydrodelineation make the following procedures easy and reduce risk of making complications. Phacoemulsification is the key procedure of the cataract surgery and several prechop techniques lighten the burden of this step. A lot of IOLs can be inserted into the eye through the microincisions. In this lecture, pearls and tips of each procedure from the 20-year experience of the lecturer will be presented.


共催 和歌山県眼科医会

※ 本学会は、日本眼科学会生涯教育事業(2単位)として認定されております。
